Green Herb Cauliflower Rice *RECIPE*
Cauliflower is a delicious and nutritious vegetable that is alkaline, full of vitamin K, anti-inflammatory, and highly cleansing.This veggie rice is a super amazing addition to any dish and can be made into our favorite vegan faux rice dish for people that really like rice but prefer a healthier option or are on our cleanse program. There are many possible ways of cooking with cauliflower in fact- and is pretty easy veggie to "faux up" as a potato or rice substitute.Green Herb Cauliflower Rice (great for level 2,3,4 with slight edits to make it suitable for level 1)1 head of cauliflower 4-6 garlic cloves
1 cup chopped green onions My blurry photo :(
1/2 cup chopped cilantro1/2 cup chopped parsley1/2 teaspoon sea salta dash of fresh black pepper2 Tablespoons coconut oilJuice of 1 small lime1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes (optional)
Chop the head of cauliflower into small pieces. Add the pieces of cauliflower in 2-3 batches to a Vitamix or food processor and pulse until the consistency look just like "rice". I take a small portion at a time to make it easier until all the cauliflower is done.Heat a skillet on low/medium heat with 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil. Add the green onion and garlic for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Add the other Tablespoon of coconut oil and cauliflower rice and stir for 5-7 minutes until the rice feels soft.Add the cilantro, parsley, salt, black pepper, lime juice and red pepper flakes and stir for 3-5 more minutes until you see the rice looks fully cooked.Remove from heat and serve.mmmmmm, just like rice~!enJOY~Yve* Learn more about about The 40 Day Green Cleanse program and upcoming enrollment dates by visiting our site and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.