Cashew Mylk


Cashew Mylk is my favorite milk of all time!   I choose nut mylks over dairy milk hands down for the flavor and super special benefits- especially cashew mylk.  And, I love that cashew mylk is one of the few nut mylks that you do not have to soak overnight or filter through a nut bag.All nuts and seeds contain beneficial fats, B vitamins and magnesium for a healthy mood, but cashews are one of the few actually linked to reducing stress, anxiety and warding off even mild depression.  The minute I included Cashew Mylk into my life I felt a boost in my mood and brain clarity!I use Cashew Mylk in a variety of ways with more or less water depending on what I am using it for; cream, shakes, sauce, soups.  Besides my favorite ingredients listed in the recipe below you may choose to play with additional flavors to mix in with the cashew mylk recipe- like cacao, lavendar, and cinnamon!

Benefits of Cashews:

High in magnesium. Cashews are a good source of magnesium, which is vital for the healthy development of bones, muscles, tissues, and organs of the body. Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure, boost the immune system, maintain the nerve function, and keep the bones strong.

Rich in copper which is great for hair and skin and it plays an important role in ensuring the proper function of the thyroid gland.

High in tryptophan which is essential for improving the uptake of serotonin levels in our brain that is critical for our good mood and restful sleep.

Brain boosting fats helps in keeping depression away.  "Several dietary components of cashews can help support cognitive abilities and multiple brain processes by regulating neurotransmitter pathways, synaptic transmission and membrane fluidity, particularly the healthy fats in cashews but also trace minerals like zinciron and copper."  Source: Dr. Axe

Cashews for cancer prevention: “Cashews are ripe with proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your colon cancer risk. Their high copper content also endows the seed with the power to eliminate free radicals and they are also good sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.” Source: Health Diaries

Interesting fact: for those who have sensitive digestive systems or bloat easily when eating whole nuts and seeds I recommended to blend and DRINK your nuts and seeds to get the nutritional benefits while making it easier to digest.


Ingredients:1 cup of organic raw cashews4 cups of filtered water1-2 dates (optional)pinch sea salt (optional)1/2 vanilla pod or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)   In a vitamix or blender add the cashews and water and the rest of the ingredients of choice.  Blend for 90 seconds on high speed.  ALL DONE!Optional: You may choose to soak the cashews overnight for a creamier texture, but it is not needed with white nuts or seeds.  At times, I soak them for a 1-3 hours, or just throw them in the blender when I am limited on time.  They still turn out amazing even without soaking.  In light, YveLevel 4 on our program